German and French headgear
of the Imperial Era
Our new items
Upcoming New Pickelhaube Collection
AGE of KINGS has purchased an old New England Pickelhaube Collection. Over the upcoming weeks we will offer many rare and unusual helmets that haven’t been seen in the collectors marketplace. Our collector began his hobby in the early 1950’s and actively collected through the early 2000’s. Please watch us every week for new offerings.
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"Beamte” and Military Specialty Troops of the Imperial German Army - Part 1
Part 1 of more to come!
“Beamte” and Military Specialty Troops of the Imperial German Army - Part 1
Part one of ...more to come
The Importance of Hannover to Imperial Germany
The bannered Hannovarians
Before World War I and the time of mechanized armies there was the Age of Kings.
The great armies of the late 1900’s were heirs to a rich military heritage. These armies embodied the spirit and national identity of the nations they served. There are few alive today who have witnessed the pomp and grandeur of a great military parade of the pre 1914 era.
The pageantry of processions of cavalry troops, artillery columns and massed infantry in colorful uniforms and headgear must have been a fantastic sight.